Monday, December 7, 2009


Sigh, I'm getting tired of dog fights. It's very annoying--not to mention this time I totally don't understand what provoked it. There wasn't any food at all. Freya just went for the neck again and this time--the water didn't work to break them up. I had to grab her by the scruff of the neck and I guess that was enough to break her hold.

I don't get it. I made sure anything of doggy value was put up. Maybe they are mad that Morningstar gets to stay out all the time? Cloud and Freya has to be kenneled otherwise they rip the house up in our sleep or they will eat everything in sight (plastic and anything else) and either wake us up by retching or vomiting or ripping something up. Morningstar is the only trustworthy pup in the house. She doesn't get into anything and doesn't potty in the house (unless I just don't wake up to her talking.)

The funny thing about Moringstar is that she "talks." It's a series of growls but broken up to sound like she's trying to say something important. She doesn't do it too often unless she really needs to go potty. I've woken up in the morning to her doing it. It's really funny and cute. Freya does it a little bit but mostly she harrumps. Maybe she'll pick up the talking from Morningstar.


  1. Sounds like Freya is being dominant to Morningstar. My sister does agility with her really dominant toy poodle, she suggests holding Freya down so Morningstar can smell her bum lol but it should help. good luck!

  2. Can you get a video of Morningstar's talking? I'd really want to hear that. The only talking I do is whining to my Pops in the morning. I'll put up a video of that soon!


  3. Doggie drama!! Sorry to hear they are still not getting along. Wish I could think of something to help... Does Morningstar fight back??

    Michelle & Brutus

  4. I thought you were giving Morningstar back?

  5. I saw your vid, Freya! It's soooo cute!

